

The Bible Study For today

I have heard of horror stories concerning church and the people in the church.

I too have experienced some discomfort in certain areas. that being said, I have come to realize when you are in a vulunerable state  and seek assistance to restore your soul;

you need the teachings of Jesus Christ through him you will find out your wonderful purpose in this life and the next.

Remember put your faith and your hope in God we are all human and some of us are more receptable to temptation then others.

Continue to seek God and find your truth in him. Nothing can replace or sustaine you like the word of God.

I invite you to know God for yourself. I have not been without trouble.

people whom I have trusted prove to untrustworthy, people whom I respected, disrespected me. People who gave me the law to uphold. they, themselves broke it.

In my tribulation I have learned, that God is still ont the throne and continues to bless me.

So, I can be a blessing he will do the same for you.

I know giving of myself is not hard to do because God gives me so much in return, Give God the glory. 

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