

love, love, love

  Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned. In life as a whole in love and everyday life. Lovers do not automatically live happily ever after, what can help to make it happen?first partners need to recognize the importance of their relationship as priceless -worth whatever it takes to nurture  or strengthen it.

Discovering love also requires ongoing, supportive communication, adulthood ,and communicating  that knowledge is the task of forming a relationship.  A person motivated by possibilities is always looking for new options, new enterprises new challenges. If such a person finds another job that seems to offer more potential, it is "adios, baby"! Not so the some plotting soul who is motivated by necessity, takes a job when circumstances dictate, and sticks with it because working is a necessity of life.

Everyone has their own strategies for work. Some people are not happy unless they are independent. They have great difficulty working closely with others and cannot work well under a great deal of supervision, They have to run their own show. Others function best as  part of a group, we call their strategy a cooperative one they want to share responsibility task, they take on, still others have a proximity strategy ,which is some where in between.

They prefer to work with other people, while maintaining sole responsibility for a task. They are in  charge but not alone, without fanaticism,one can accomplish nothing. It is not enough, as communist systems have assumed merely to provide people with food,shelter and clothing. The deeper human nature needs to breathe the precious air of liberty.

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