

God's evolution

"Darkness" of an interior kind,and even a sort of "atheism," are not inimical to faith,and certainly not to Christianity. "The dark night of the soul and " the dark night of the spirit,"time-honored phrases that come from the writings of the sixteenth-century spanish Carmelite mystic st.John of the cross remind us that that the way of Christian faith is   one of light only but, Also of Obscurity

St. John describes the "dark nights "as mystical states through which the proficient must pass in order to know God as he truly is.

Even if you are a non belever you can try to improve or train the mind,provided you have knowledge of it. Any normal Human being,for that matter can practice training the mind and this will eventually,prove to be very useful.

Unresolved issues still linger on the scene,not least of which is rather the new science of happiness should be seen as valid and reliable with new claims,new debates begin and old ones resurface.

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