

But they had heard only,that he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed. And they glorified God in me. A thoughtless moralism. Morality and ethics derived from the character of God himself,so a Christian believes. The Ten Commandments and the sermon on the mount,for example regulate our standards of conduct. But,these are tempered by the Gospel's emphasis on grace,that Christ is a physician and a Shepherd of souls,and that holiness is a divine gift with which we learn over a lifetime to cooperate. Through the centuries,millions of people have benefited immensely from various religions. It is very unfortunate that different religious identities cause quarrels,turmoil and disunity. If we study the different religions and observe their potential to produce good human beings,there is enough reason to develop genuine respect for all religions. Jesus Christ is praised by his Christian disciples as the God-man who liberates and delivers the world through his saving life,his steadfast loving death,and his resurrection. He as the firstfruits of God's renewed creation and as fully God and fully human empowers his brothers and sisters to become God's adopted family living in abundant joy. God's Holy Spirit is given through Christ and gives birth to humans who can live in loving communion and joy with God and man.

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