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People need to educate themselves before tracing off to another country. 

And at the same time countries have a responsibility to tourists to inform them about their customs in the bourchure, at hotel somewhere, somehow. 

Other countries have to be held accountable to the tourists. 

Especially, if there are laws that involve fines, or jail. I'm just saying,... it's really common sense. 

How ridiculous and uninformed a country would have to be, to have tourists in their country that do not what could land them in jail or pay a hefty fine? Quite, frankly,... If you are entering countries at your own risk.

 People all over the world need to rethink traveling abroad. ...

Society is always promoting getting a passport and traveling is so, Chic and trendy but the dangers aren't getting the same push. How concerned am I? 

I am very concerned because people are believing things that are being perceived a certain way and it's not actually how it is. 

Which means the joke is on the tourists. I don't like that.

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