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Ponder The Patience Of Prudence with Precaution In Preparedness.

‭‭Tehillim (Psalms) 141:1-10 
[1] יהוה, I have cried out to You; Hasten to me! Give ear to my voice when I cry out to You. [2] Let my prayer be prepared before You as incense, The lifting up of my hands as the evening offering. [3] O יהוה, set a guard for my mouth; Watch over the door of my lips. [4] Let not my heart be inclined to evil, To practise deeds of wrongness With men working wickedness, And let me not eat of their delicacies. [5] Let the righteous one smite me Or reprove me in loving-commitment – It is oil on my head. Let my head not refuse it. My prayer is still against their evil deeds. [6] Their judges have been thrown down By the sides of the rock, But they have heard my words, For they have been pleasant. [7] Our bones are scattered at the mouth of She’ol, As when one ploughs and breaks up the earth. [8] But my eyes are upon You, O Master יהוה. In You I take refuge; Do not pour out my life. [9] Guard me from the clutches Of the trap they have laid for me, And from the snares Of the workers of wickedness. [10] Let the wrong fall into their own nets, While I pass by.

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