

Bridging Light and Darkness: Yahusha's Victory Through Polarity

Sermon:The Power of Polarity: Embracing Opposites in Yahusha

 Shalom, beloved! Today, we gather in the name of Yahusha Ha'Mashiach to reflect on a powerful truth that governs much of our lives—polarity. Everything in creation seems to have its opposite: light and darkness, good and evil, life and death, joy and sorrow. These contrasts are not mere coincidences but divinely appointed aspects of the Creator's plan. We at WBJMinistries are here to understand how polarity not only brings balance to life but also reveals Yah’s ultimate wisdom and purpose for us.

Scripture 1: Isaiah 45:7 (HalleluYah Scriptures) “I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create evil. I, Yah, do all these.”

Yah Himself reveals that He is the source of both light and darkness, peace and adversity. Why would the Creator of the universe allow such contrasts? Because without darkness, we would not appreciate the light. Without trials, we would not grow in our faith. Polarity, then, is Yah’s way of showing us that everything has a purpose—even our struggles.

Polarity in Creation- From the beginning, Yah established this duality in creation. Genesis 1 speaks of the separation of light from darkness and the distinction between day and night. These opposites are necessary for life to function. Just as the sun rises and sets, Yahusha's presence rises in our hearts, casting out the darkness of sin. Yet, even in our darkest moments, Yah's hand is there, shaping us, as He uses both light and shadow to develop our character.

Scripture 2: Ecclesiastes 3:1 (HalleluYah Scriptures) “To every matter there is a season, and a time for every matter under the shamayim.”

The Preacher tells us that there is a time for everything under heaven—a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to weep, and a time to laugh. Life, in its fullness, is a balance of joy and sorrow. Yah allows these contrasts so that we grow and learn to trust Him in all circumstances.

Embracing Polarity in Ministry -As WBJMinistries, we are called to minister to those who walk in both the light and the dark. Many who struggle with mental health, trauma, and brokenness may feel overwhelmed by life's trials. But Yahusha’s example shows us that even in suffering, Yah’s purpose is at work. When He endured the cross, He showed us that pain leads to victory, and death to resurrection. We are to walk with others through their darkness, guiding them toward Yah's light.

Scripture 3: John 1:5 (HalleluYah Scriptures) “And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Yahusha is the perfect example of how light triumphs over darkness. In Him, there is no defeat. Though we experience opposites in this world—light and darkness, good and evil—the truth is that Yahusha, the Light of the world, will always overcome. This is the message we carry in WBJMinistries. We offer hope to the brokenhearted and restoration to those in despair.

Application to Our Lives- We cannot escape the polarities of life, but we can learn to see them through Yah’s eyes. When we are confronted with darkness, we must remember that it is not meant to destroy us but to reveal the light within us. As WBJMinistries, we embrace the brokenhearted, knowing that Yah uses every trial for His glory.

Scripture 4: Romans 8:28 (HalleluYah Scriptures) “And we know that all matters work together for good to those who love Elohim, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

The opposites in our lives—joy and sorrow, peace and turmoil—are woven together in Yah’s divine plan. He uses all things for good. As ministers of His Word, we must trust that every challenge we face is preparing us for greater things in His Kingdom.

Conclusion -Beloved, let us embrace the polarity in our lives, knowing that Yahusha is with us through every season. Whether we are walking in light or in darkness, we are never alone. Yah’s purpose is being fulfilled, and we, as WBJMinistries, are His vessels of light to a world often overwhelmed by shadows. Let us encourage others to see that in Yahusha, light always conquers darkness, and victory is assured. HalleluYah!

Prayer-Heavenly Father, we thank You for the opposites in life that shape us, for the light and the darkness that draw us closer to You. Help us to embrace these polarities with faith, knowing that Your hand is upon us in every season. Guide WBJMinistries as we walk alongside those in need, reflecting Your light in the darkest places. In Yahusha's name, we pray. HalleluYah, and Amen.

May you walk in Yah’s light, beloved, and may His peace cover you always.

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