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Grace and Readiness- A Journey of Hope

Preparing Our Minds for Action- Embracing the Call to Holiness

Scripture Text- (KEPHA)-1 Peter 1:13

Greetings, family of WBJMinistries! Today, we gather in the spirit of strength, hope, and faith. We have been called to be bold and courageous in this journey of life, guided by the light of Yahusha’s love and grace. The word of Yahusha is powerful, and today we will delve into a message that empowers us to prepare our minds for action, as we step into the divine purpose that He has set before us.

Our foundation scripture is - (KEPHA)-1 Peter 1:13, which calls us to a life of readiness, hope, and holiness. Let us open our hearts and minds to receive the full measure of grace as we explore this passage, bringing both the Halleluyah Scriptures and the traditional Bible’s truths to light.

Scripture Reading-

"Therefore, prepare your minds for action, be sober, and set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Yahusha HaMashiach." — - (KEPHA)-1 Peter 1:13 (Halleluyah Scriptures)
"Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ/Yahusha HaMashiach" —- (KEPHA)- 1 Peter 1:13 (NASB)

Sermon Body

Preparing Our Minds for Action- A Call to Mental Readiness

In- (KEPHA)- 1 Peter 1:13, we are urged to prepare our minds for action. This is not a passive waiting but an active, intentional readiness. To be prepared means to be in a state of constant vigilance, aware of the spiritual battle we face, and ready to rise above it. The Apostle Peter is not asking us to passively drift through life. He’s calling us to be warriors of faith, whose minds are fortified in the Word of Yahusha.

The word prepare (Greek: anazōnynēmi) means to "gird up the loins of your mind." In ancient times, men wore long robes that would hinder swift movement. To run or fight, they would gather their robes and tie them. Similarly, we must “gird up” our minds—removing distractions and anything that hinders us from acting in faith and obedience. Our minds must be set on Yahusha, our Savior, and on His purpose for our lives.

The Halleluyah Scriptures remind us that our minds must be sober, vigilant, and in full submission to Yahusha’s will. When we are sober, we are clear-headed, spiritually discerning, and emotionally balanced. This allows us to focus on Yahusha’s grace and remain in His will.

The Power of Hope- Fixing Our Eyes on Yahusha

Peter emphasizes that we are to "set our hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Yahusha HaMashiach." This grace is not just for the moment of salvation; it is a grace that continues to empower us in our daily walk. Grace isn’t just a gift we receive; it is the power that enables us to live holy lives, to rise above temptation, and to fulfill our calling.

Our hope must be fixed, unwavering, and fully placed on Yahusha. Hope, according to the Halleluyah Scriptures, is a trust that leads to action. It is not passive but rather fuels us to take bold steps toward the purposes Yahusha has for us. This hope propels us into a life of holiness and righteousness, anchored in the truth of Yahusha's return and the fulfillment of His promises.

Holiness in Action- Living Set Apart

The next part of the verse calls us to be holy, just as Yahusha is holy. Holiness is not a distant concept; it is a way of life. In the traditional Bible, we read in - (KEPHA)-1 Peter 1:15–16*
"But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct; because it is written, 'Be holy, for I am holy.'"

Holiness is the manifestation of our transformation in Yahusha. As we align our minds with the will of the Father, we begin to reflect His character in our daily lives. We become set apart, not in isolation, but as beacons of light in a dark world.

Holiness is not just an internal reality; it is expressed through our actions, attitudes, and choices. It means living with integrity, showing compassion, embracing forgiveness, and standing firm in our convictions.

 The Revelation of Yahusha- The Ultimate Grace

We must also remember that our lives are marked by the revelation of Yahusha—the moment when all things are made clear, and we see Him face to face. This revelation is not just a future event; it is also present in the ongoing manifestation of His presence in our lives. The grace we receive is a preview of that eternal glory we will one day fully experience.

The traditional Bible points us to the revelation of Jesus Christ/ Yahusha HaMashiach, but the Halleluyah Scriptures call us to the revelation of Yahusha HaMashiach, the Messiah, whose grace enables us to walk in victory. This revelation fuels our hope and strengthens our resolve to live as people set apart for His glory.

Family, as we prepare our minds for action, let us be sober and steadfast in our hope, fully trusting in the grace of Yahusha that empowers us to live holy lives. We are not alone in this journey. The revelation of Yahusha, His grace, and His calling guide us toward the abundant life He has promised.

Let us be intentional in our walk, embracing the call to holiness, and living each day with purpose and passion. With the strength of Yahusha within us, we can stand firm, rise up, and embrace the fullness of the life He has for us.

May WBJMinistries be a beacon of light in this world, and may we all continue to prepare our minds, hearts, and lives for the glorious revelation of our Savior, Yahusha HaMashiach.


Yahusha, we thank You for Your grace and Your call to holiness. We prepare our minds today for action, to stand firm in our faith and hope in You. We ask for Your strength to live holy lives, to reflect Your love and truth in all that we do. Empower us, O Yahusha, as we await the glorious revelation of Your Son, Yahusha. May Your grace continue to guide us and give us the courage to fulfill Your purpose in our lives. HalleluYah!

In the name of Yahusha HaMashiach, we pray.


Go in peace, family. Keep your minds ready, your hearts full of hope, and your lives set apart for Yahusha's glory. HalleluYah!

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