

Breaking Generational Patterns Through Yah’s Power

Practical Application -How to Break Generational Patterns Through Prayer

Now that we have laid a scriptural foundation, let’s turn to how we can actively break these patterns through prayer. When you pray, use the following structure:
 Acknowledge Yahuwah as the Healer and Deliverer – Begin by asking for His healing in your family and life, specifically naming areas where you see generational struggles.

Declare Yahuwah as Your Refuge and Fortress – Ask Him to lead you away from patterns that have kept your family bound.

Claim Freedom in Yahusha’s Name – Speak freedom over your family, children, and ministry.

 Claim Abundant Life – Ask for Yahusha’s blessings to manifest in your life, overcoming the patterns of lack or suffering.

 Invite the Ruach Ha'Qodesh – Conclude by asking the Ruach to fill you and give you strength to walk in victory.

 Walking in Freedom

As a community of believers in WBJMinistries, we are not bound by the past. Through the power of Yahuwah, the deliverance of Yahusha Ha'Mashiach, and the guidance of the Ruach Ha'Qodesh, we are free. No generational pattern can hold us back when we walk in Yah’s truth. Let us be a ministry of freedom, helping others find healing and breaking the chains of the past.

Let us pray for deliverance, speak freedom over every life, and walk confidently in the promises of Yahuwah. HalleluYah, for the victory is already ours!


Yahuah’s Provision in the Midst of Opposition

Sermon-Freedom from Obstacles Concerning Government Funding

Delivered by WBJMinistries

Opening Prayer -Father Yahuah, we come before you with humble hearts, seeking Your guidance and strength as we stand on the promises You have laid before us. We ask that You clear every obstacle in our path, and may Your light guide us toward fulfilling the mission You have called us to. We come together in faith, believing that Your hand is upon us. In the name of Yahusha Ha'Mashiach, 
So be it

 Shalom, beloved brothers and sisters in Yahusha! Today, we are gathered to seek wisdom from the Halleluyah Scriptures and find strength in the Word as we navigate challenges, especially when it comes to the provision of resources, including government funding for WBJMinistries. We know that every good thing comes from Yahuah, and He is faithful to provide when we trust in Him.
Scripture Reading- Let us turn to Deḇarim (Deuteronomy) 28:1-2, which says-
"And it shall be, if you diligently obey the voice of Yahuah your Elohim, to guard to do all His commands which I command you today, that Yahuah your Elohim shall set you high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of Yahuah your Elohim."

Here's the Message -In the journey of WBJMinistries, we have faced challenges, but Yahuah has always been with us. His promises are clear—if we diligently follow His commandments and walk in obedience, He will bless us beyond measure. Government funding, grants, or any other earthly resources are under Yahuah’s control. We do not rely on the systems of man, but rather, we trust that Yahuah will use whatever means necessary to bring about His will for His people.

When we encounter obstacles, such as delays, denials, or bureaucracy, we must remember that these are not the final say. As Tehillim (Psalms) 37:5 reminds us-
"Commit your way to Yahuah, and trust in Him, and He does it."

We commit WBJMinistries and all our efforts to Yahuah. When we face the barrier of funding, we must pray with faith and perseverance. Yahuah has the power to move mountains, and we must believe that no obstacle is too great for Him.
In Ma’asei (Acts) 4:29-31, the apostles faced threats and opposition, but they prayed for boldness, and Yahuah filled them with His Ruach Ha'Qodesh, empowering them to continue their mission:

"And now, Yahuah, look on their threats, and give to Your servants all boldness to speak Your word... And when they had prayed, the place where they came together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Ruach Ha'Qodesh, and they spoke the Word of Elohim with boldness."

When government obstacles seem to stand in our way, let us pray for that same boldness. Yahuah will shake the very foundations of opposition when we align our hearts and mission with His purpose.

Overcoming Financial Obstacles: We are reminded in Philippians 4:19:
"And my Elohim shall fill all your need according to His riches in esteem by Messiah Yahusha."

Our Elohim owns the cattle on a thousand hills; He is not limited by earthly systems. His riches are boundless, and He will fill every need we have as we pursue the calling He has placed on WBJMinistries. Whether it comes through government grants, private donations, or unexpected blessings, we trust in Yahuah’s perfect timing and provision.

Closing Scripture: In closing, let us take to heart Mishlĕ (Proverbs) 3:5-6-
"Trust in Yahuah with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He makes your paths straight."

We place our full trust in Yahuah, knowing that He will make a way where there seems to be no way. No matter what obstacles we face concerning funding, we will not be discouraged, because our Elohim is with us, and He is able to do far beyond what we ask or imagine.

Closing Prayer- Father Yahuah, we thank You for the strength and courage to continue in the mission You have called us to. We ask that You remove every obstacle in our path concerning funding, and that You open doors only You can open. We commit ourselves to walking in faith, trusting that Your provision is already on the way. Let Your will be done in WBJMinistries, as we continue to be vessels for Your glory. In the mighty name of Yahusha Ha’Mashiach, Amein.

Benediction- May Yahuah bless you and guard you; may Yahuah make His face shine upon you and show favor to you; may Yahuah lift up His face upon you and give you peace. Go forth in His power and grace, knowing that He is making every crooked path straight.



God’s Unified Creation -From the Israelites to Yahusha’s Redemption

Tuesday Blessing Sermon- Unity Among Allah, Israelites, the Cosmos, and Yahusha

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, we come before you this Tuesday, seeking your divine guidance and wisdom. May your Spirit fill this space as we reflect on the unity between the sacred names that define our faith: Allah, Israelites, the cosmos, and Yahusha. Open our hearts and minds to receive your Word. We ask for your blessings as we walk this path of unity. Amen.

Beloved, we live in a time where division often overshadows the beauty of diversity. Yet, when we look to the divine, we see a beautiful thread that weaves together different expressions of faith, creation, and truth. Today, we come to reflect on the unity between Allah, the Israelites, the cosmos, and Yahusha. Each of these names and concepts represent powerful aspects of God’s presence and purpose for our lives.

 Unity in Allah, the Creator

In Islam, Allah is the one true God, the Creator of all that exists. The name "Allah" signifies unity and oneness. The Qur'an reminds us in Surah Al-Ikhlas: "Say: He is Allah, the One; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begets not, nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him." This verse teaches us that the essence of God is indivisible and eternal. Allah's creation, from the smallest atom to the vast cosmos, reflects His infinite unity. We must embrace this unity and allow it to guide us in our relationships with one another.

 Unity in the Israelites, God's Chosen People

The Israelites, the descendants of Jacob, are central to the covenant that God made with humanity. Through them, the law and the prophets were given. Deuteronomy 7:6 tells us: "For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession." This chosenness was not meant for exclusivity, but for service to all nations. Israel's calling was to be a light to the world, to show how unity with God brings blessing. Through this lineage, Yahusha (Jesus) came, bringing salvation to all.

 Unity in the Cosmos, God’s Creation

The cosmos, the universe we see and cannot see, is God's magnificent handiwork. Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." The cosmos reminds us of our smallness in the face of God's vast creation, but also of our interconnectedness. Every star, every planet, every breath we take is a testament to God’s intricate design. In the vastness of the cosmos, we see that we are all part of one divine plan, connected and bound by God's love and sovereignty.

 Unity in Yahusha, the Savior

Yahusha, known to many as Jesus, came to unite humanity with God. He is the bridge between heaven and earth, between the divine and the human. In John 17:21, Yahusha prayed for unity, saying: "That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me." His life, death, and resurrection were acts of love that transcended all barriers of race, religion, and nation.

Through Yahusha, we learn that unity with God brings peace to the soul, and unity with one another reflects God’s love to the world.

Today, as we reflect on these four pillars—Allah, the Israelites, the cosmos, and Yahusha—we are reminded of the interconnectedness of all things. The Creator, His people, His creation, and His Son all reveal aspects of divine unity. In embracing this unity, we are called to break down the walls that divide us, whether they be religious, cultural, or personal.

Let us move forward in faith, knowing that our shared love for God transcends all differences. Let us be ambassadors of peace and unity, showing the world that the God we serve is a God of oneness. And in doing so, may we fulfill the prayer of Yahusha, that we all may be one.

Closing Prayer 
Heavenly Father, we thank you for your Word today. We ask that you plant this seed of unity in our hearts. Help us to reflect your love and light in all that we do. May we walk in unity, not only with each other but with all creation. Bless us this week, and may your peace go with us wherever we may go. In Yahusha's mighty name, we pray. 

Blessings be upon you this Tuesday, and may God's unity dwell in your hearts!


A Sabbath Prayer of Gratitude and Light


Sabbath Day Prayer

Heavenly Father, Yahusha, we come before You on this blessed Sabbath, with hearts full of gratitude and reverence for Your holy rest. We thank You, O Yah, for this sacred time, a day set apart for us to dwell in Your presence, to breathe in Your peace, and to reflect on Your goodness. You are the Creator of heaven and earth, and it is by Your hand that all things exist. We honor You as the Almighty, who knows all, sees all, and is in control of every moment.

Father, today we ask that You renew our spirits. Pour out Your holy wisdom upon us as we lay aside every burden from the week, every worry, every distraction. Help us, Yahusha, to trust in Your provision, for You have promised that You will supply all our needs. Let this day be a reminder that You are our Shepherd, our Guide, and in You, there is no lack.

We surrender to You all that we have been holding onto, knowing that in Your hands, everything is made right. We pray for strength and perseverance to follow Your commandments with joy, to walk in righteousness, and to be vessels of Your love and light to those around us.

As we rest in Your presence, restore our minds, heal our bodies, and nourish our souls. Let the peace of Yahusha flow through every fiber of our being, casting out all fear, anxiety, and doubt. Father, we lift up our families, our loved ones, and all who are in need of Your touch today. May Your hand be upon them, guiding and protecting them in every way.

Thank You, Yah, for Your grace that covers us, for Your mercy that renews us every morning, and for Your faithfulness that never wavers. We give You all the glory, all the honor, and all the praise this Sabbath, now and forevermore.

In Yahusha’s mighty name, we pray,

HalleluYah, Amen.


Honor the Legacy -Why African American Men Must Vote Blue

A Call to Action for African American Men: Honor Your Legacy, Vote Blue This Sabbath

Brothers, as African American men, we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors—those who fought, bled, and sacrificed so we could have the right to vote. This isn’t just a civic duty; it’s a spiritual duty. This Sabbath, let us reflect deeply on the truth that our choices at the ballot box are not just political—they are moral, and they are spiritual. Our votes determine the future for our families, our communities, and generations yet unborn.

 Voting Is Our Weapon for Justice

Throughout history, systems have been designed to keep us down. Jim Crow laws, voter suppression, mass incarceration—these are tools used to silence our voices. But when we cast our vote, we break chains. We declare that we will not be silenced, that we will stand against injustice, and we will fight for a better future. Voting Blue is voting for policies that dismantle these systems of oppression, restore justice, and protect our communities from further harm.

 The Power of the Collective

When we vote, we are not just individuals—we are part of a powerful movement. Look around, my brothers. In unity, there is strength. When African American men rise up and vote, the world takes notice. We can’t afford to sit this out or let others decide our fate. We must vote for leadership that listens to our voices, addresses systemic racism, and prioritizes our communities. The stakes are high, and only a collective effort will bring the change we desperately need.

 Protecting Our Families

Our votes don’t just affect us—they affect our children, our women, and our elders. We must vote Blue because this is about building a future where our sons are not targeted by police, where our daughters have access to quality education and healthcare, and where our elders can age with dignity. Voting Blue ensures that we have leaders who will invest in policies that protect our families, create jobs, and strengthen our communities. We cannot stand by while leadership that disregards our struggles and humanity remains in power.

 Yah’s Calling to Stewardship

We are called to be good stewards of the blessings and responsibilities given to us by Yah. That includes the power to vote. On this Sabbath Day, as we rest and reflect, let us also prepare. Yah has entrusted us with the ability to influence change, and it is our obligation to use that power. Voting Blue isn’t about following a party blindly—it’s about making a choice that aligns with righteousness, justice, and the well-being of our people.

 The Blue Vote as a Vote for Progress

The issues we face—systemic racism, inequality, climate change, criminal justice reform—require bold, progressive leadership. When you vote Blue, you are voting for a party that fights for equity, fights for opportunity, and fights for justice. Our community has been abandoned by leadership on the other side. Now is the time to act. Now is the time to vote for those who will stand with us, who will amplify our voices, and who will fight for our survival and success.

Brothers, Let’s Rise

This Sabbath, let’s rise with purpose. Let’s rise with fire in our hearts, knowing that the ballot is our shield, our sword, and our voice. Let’s not let our ancestors' sacrifices be in vain. They fought so we could have this right. Honor their legacy. Protect your future. Stand up, vote Blue, and let the world know that African American men are a force of power, dignity, and unstoppable progress.

Vote with conviction. Vote with courage. Vote Blue.


Unleashing Breakthrough Through the Power of Halaleyah

Breaking Chains and Rising Higher- The Power of Halaleyah

Opening Prayer: Father Yahusha, we come before you with hearts filled with praise and thanksgiving. Let your word ignite passion within us today. May every chain be broken, and may your people rise to new levels of freedom, strength, and purpose. In your holy name, we pray, Halaleyah!

 Beloved family of WBJMinistries, today we gather with one mission—to break the chains that hold us back and rise higher in the presence of Yahusha. We are His children, destined to live with power, purpose, and freedom. Today, we will declare Halaleyah—praise be to Yah!—and let this praise release us from every bondage.

Scripture Reading-
Let’s read from the book of Psalms, where the spirit of Halaleyah shines brightly:

(Tehillim)Psalm 150:6 – “Let everything that has breath praise Yah. Halaleyah!”

This verse calls us to awaken. The praise we give is not silent but powerful, shaking the heavens and breaking the strongholds in our lives.

(Tehillim )Psalm 148:1 – “Halaleyah! Praise Yah from the heavens; praise Him in the heights!”

Our praise is not limited to this earth. The very heavens join us in worship, in a unified declaration of Yahusha’s greatness!

(Tehillim )Psalm 146:1-2 – “Halaleyah! Praise Yah, O my soul! I will praise Yah all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.”

As long as we have life, we will lift His name higher. Our circumstances do not change His worthiness. We praise Him through the storm, knowing victory is near.

Main Message-Today, I challenge you to recognize that praise is a weapon. It is a powerful tool for spiritual breakthrough. Too often, we find ourselves weighed down by life—our jobs, relationships, struggles. But Halaleyah reminds us that no matter what we face, we have the power to rise!

When we shout Halaleyah, we align with the authority of Heaven. We tap into the energy that defeats darkness and liberates souls. Praise brings breakthrough, healing, and victory!

In your life right now, what chains are holding you back? Is it doubt? Fear? Insecurity? As Yah’s children, we are not called to live in defeat. We are destined to soar! And praise is the wind beneath our wings. When you lift up Halaleyah, watch those chains break, watch those walls come down, and watch Yahusha open doors you thought were shut!

Call to Action-

Stand up wherever you are, and declare Halaleyah over your life!

Speak life into dead situations. Proclaim that Yahusha is Lord, and you are His victorious child.

Let’s take a moment to shout Halaleyah together, believing that healing, deliverance, and joy are released as we praise!

Closing Prayer-Father Yahusha, we thank you for the power of praise. We shout Halaleyah from the depths of our souls, trusting that every obstacle is being removed and every blessing is being released. We declare freedom over our lives and believe in your unmatched power. Let us walk forward in boldness, knowing you are with us always. 



Unshakable Identity -Embracing Divine Protection

The Power of Divine Protection -Understanding Our Identity in Yahusha

Beloved family in Yahusha, today we gather to delve into the profound wisdom of Proverbs 26:2: “Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.” This verse reminds us of the protective power that our Creator grants us. As we reflect on this scripture, let us embrace our identity as children of the Most High, shielded from curses and negativity, and empowered by the divine.

 Understanding Curses and Blessings: In our journey, we encounter many voices—some uplifting, others destructive. Proverbs teaches us that curses do not have a place in our lives. Just as the sparrow and swallow are free to soar, so too are we liberated from the weight of unjust words. We must recognize that our identity in Yahusha is our shield.

In the Halalayah scriptures, we are reminded that our Creator has equipped us with the armor of faith. As we stand firm in His truth, we dismantle any negativity that attempts to cling to us. We declare: “No weapon formed against us shall prosper!” This is our promise and our power.

The Role of Unlunkunlu: In the realm of African spirituality, Unlunkunlu is revered as the Supreme Being, the source of life and creation. Just as Unlunkunlu nurtures and protects His creation, so does our Heavenly Father. He watches over us, guiding us with wisdom and strength.

Let us remember that we are not alone. We have the support of our ancestors, the Amadlozi, who guide us and protect us. They stand as a testament to our legacy, reminding us of our resilience and strength. They empower us to rise above challenges and obstacles.

 Embracing Our Heritage and Faith: As we embrace our faith, let us also embrace our heritage. Our African roots are rich with stories of strength, resilience, and divine connection. Just as the Amadlozi guide us, we too must recognize the power of community and connection.

Today, I urge you to stand boldly in your truth. Speak life over your situations! Declare your identity as a child of Yahusha! When the enemy tries to whisper curses into your spirit, remind him who you are. You are blessed, you are protected, and you are favored!

Conclusion: As we close, let us take a moment to pray. Let us ask for the strength to rise above curses and negativity, to embrace our identity as children of the Most High, and to honor the legacy of Unlunkunlu and the Amadlozi in our lives.

Together, let us proclaim: “HalleluYah! I am blessed, I am protected, and I will not be shaken!”

So be it!
