Blessed . . . in the Eyes of God
What is happiness? Ask 20 different people to answer that question, and you’ll probably get 20 different answers.
But for the citizen of the kingdom of heaven, the path to true happiness is the path of blessedness described by Jesus in Matthew 5:1 – 11.
As Matthew Henry points out, until you know what true happiness is, you will never discover God’s path to find it.
Walk With Matthew Henry
“Happiness is the thing people pretend to pursue. But most form a wrong notion of it and miss the way.
“The general opinion is: Blessed are those who are rich and honorable in the world, who spend their days in mirth and their years in pleasure.
“Jesus comes to correct this fundamental error and give us quite another notion of blessedness.
“However paradoxical his teaching may appear to those in the world, to those who are saved it is a rule of eternal truth and certainty by which we must shortly be judged.
“If this, therefore, be the beginning of Christ’s doctrine, the Christian’s duty must be to take his measure of happiness from those maxims, and to direct his life accordingly.”
Walk Closer to God
Would you consider yourself truly happy if your life were characterized by meekness . . . mercy . . . poverty in spirit . . . persecution?
You would if you had God’s perspective on happiness.
Given the chance, the world will offer you a bogus substitute — a happiness dependent on money, prestige or circumstances.
Christ says true happiness consists of none of these.
But you must decide. Which notion of blessedness will you build your life on today? How do you complete the sentence “Happiness is . . .”? I don't believe God is saying you shouldn't be happy with money. He's saying it should not be money alone. Everyone knows it's not about buying everything,it's about buying what you want.
I want to live life more abundantly with the blessing of God through the teachings of Jesus Christ. In this world there is so much negativity,there is much positivity also,... I try not to kid myself.
What I mean by that is,I have to remind myself No one is free ftom sin. God doesn't give us a pass to commit sin but he does offers forgiveness out of love for us. Happiness should always entail wealth and a relationship with God whatever that might be,
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