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The Mass Of Old English

Tobit 4:10 For almsgiving delivers from death and saves people from passing down to darkness.11 Almsgiving is a most effective offering for all those who do it in the presence of the Most High.12 'My child, avoid all loose conduct. Choose a wife of your father's stock. Do not take a foreign wife outside your father's tribe, because we are the children of the prophets. Remember Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, our ancestors from the beginning. All of them took wives from their own kindred, and they were blessed in their children, and their race will inherit the earth.13 You, too, my child, must love your own brothers; never presume to despise your brothers, the sons and daughters of your people; choose your wife from among them. For pride brings ruin and much worry; idleness causes need and poverty, for the mother of famine is idleness.14 'Do not keep back until next day the wages of those who work for you; pay them at once. If you serve God you will be rewarded. Be careful, my child, in all you do, well-disciplined in all your behaviour.15 Do to no one what you would not want done to you. Do not drink wine to the point of drunkenness; do not let excess be your travelling companion.16 'Give your bread to those who are hungry, and your clothes to those who lack clothing. Of whatever you own in plenty, devote a proportion to almsgiving; and when you give alms, do it ungrudgingly.17 Be generous with bread and wine on the graves of upright people, but not for the sinner.18 'Ask advice of every wise person; never scorn any profitable advice.19 Bless the Lord God in everything; beg him to guide your ways and bring your paths and purposes to their end. For wisdom is not the property of every nation; their desire for what is good is conferred by the Lord. At his will he lifts up or he casts down to the depths of the dwelling of the dead. So now, my child, remember these precepts and never let hem fade from your heart.20 'Now, my child, I must tell you I have left ten talents of silver with Gabael son of Gabrias, at Rhages in Media. 1 Love uprightness you who are rulers on earth, be properly disposed towards the Lord and seek him in simplicity of heart; Wisdom 1 :2 for he will be found by those who do not put him to the test, revealing himself to those who do not mistrust him.3 Perverse thoughts, however, separate people from God, and power, when put to the test, confounds the stupid.4 Wisdom will never enter the soul of a wrong-doer, nor dwell in a body enslaved to sin;5 for the holy spirit of instruction flees deceitfulness, recoils from unintelligent thoughts, is thwarted by the onset of vice.6 Wisdom is a spirit friendly to humanity, though she will not let a blasphemer's words go unpunished; since God observes the very soul and accurately surveys the heart, listening to every word.7 For the spirit of the Lord fills the world, and that which holds everything together knows every word said.8 No one who speaks what is wrong will go undetected, nor will avenging Justice pass by such a one.9 For the schemes of the godless will be examined, and a report of his words will reach the Lord to convict him of his crimes.Nahum 3:10 There is a jealous ear that overhears everything, not even a murmur of complaint escapes it. Acts Of Apostles 26:10 But she too went into exile, into captivity; her little ones too were dashed to pieces at every crossroad; lots were drawn for her nobles, all her great men were put in chains. 15 Then I said, "Who are you, Lord?" And the Lord answered, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.16 But get up and stand on your feet, for I have appeared to you for this reason: to appoint you as my servant and as witness of this vision in which you have seen me, and of others in which I shall appear to you.17 I shall rescue you from the people and from the nations to whom I send you18 to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light, from the dominion of Satan to God, and receive, through faith in me, forgiveness of their sins and a share in the inheritance of the sanctified."19 'After that, King Agrippa, I could not disobey the heavenly vision.20 On the contrary I started preaching, first to the people of Damascus, then to those of Jerusalem and all Judaean territory, and also to the gentiles, urging them to repent and turn to God, proving their change of heart by their deeds.

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