

[Evolution is] one of the best documented, most compelling and exciting concepts in all of science.-Stephen Jay Gould


Happy Black History Month

Hi, Everyone! I apologize for the same multiple content. I will have to relocate. It's 4am where I'm at, and hopefully, that will rectify the problem I seriously, doubt if it is my carrier. I am pleased to say I rarely have any issues with T-moblie. So, more than likely, it is the location. 

Check back for updates!


Spiritual Cleansing

Holistic Healing

And Positive Energy

“Reverence has been defined as a 'feeling or attitude of deep respect, love, and awe, as for something sacred. ' To describe it as devotion to God is another way to express the meaning of reverence.

What is the biblical definition of reverence?

To consider or treat with profound awe and respect; venerate. ... Reverence is defined as deep respect, or is a name given to a holy figure in a religious institution. An example of reverence is when you show deep and complete respect for the Bible as the word of God.

Yet, without reverence for God, all the other values can be reduced to useful tools, to find success in life and respect from others. But, when we choose to be reverent toward God, all the other values we choose flow through our lives as an expression of our faith, and thanks to God for his many blessings.

Hebrew prophet Elijah, who ranks with Moses in saving the religion of Yahweh from being corrupted by the nature worship of Baal. Nehemiah 5:15
But the former governors who were [in office] before me put heavy burdens on the people and took food and wine from them in addition to forty shekels of silver [as an excessive monthly salary]; even their servants assumed authority over the people. But I did not do so because of the reverent fear of god. Job 4:6 “Is not your fear of God your confidence,And [is not] the integrity and uprightness of your ways your hope?

Yet, without reverence for God, all the other values can be reduced to useful tools, to find success in life and respect from others. But, when we choose to be reverent toward God, all the other values we choose flow through our lives as an expression of our faith, and thanks to God for his many blessings.

Hebrew prophet Elijah, who ranks with Moses in saving the religion of Yahweh from being corrupted by the nature worship of Baal. Nehemiah 5:15 But the former governors who were [in office] before me put heavy burdens on the people and took food and wine from them in addition to forty shekels of silver [as an excessive monthly salary]; even their servants assumed authority over the people. But I did not do so because of the reverent fear of god. Job 4:6 “Is not your fear of God your confidence,And [is not] the integrity and uprightness of your ways your hope?
Why is reverence important 

Most important, because reverence kindles warmth in friendship and family life. And because without reverence, things fall apart. People do not know how to respect each other and themselves. ... Without reverence, we cannot explain why we should treat the natural world with respect.

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