

Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god. Aristotle



  • Holistic Healing

    And Positive Energy

  • “Solitude is more a state of mind and heart than it is a place. There is a solitude of the heart that can be maintained at all times. Crowds, or the lack of them, have little to do with this inward attentiveness.” Solitude necessitates the creation of one's own world, but such a world does not require physical walls.
  • How can I practice spiritual solitude?
I know I am not alone in this, so below, I share four ways to develop the practice of solitude.
1.) Put it on the calendar. ..
2.) Decide where you will go. ..
3.) Leave your phone at home or turn it off when you get to your location. ..
4.) Recognize “little solitudes” throughout your day.

What is the biblical meaning of solitude?
It is when we are most by ourselves that we realize God is actually right there with us. At that point the solitude allows us to grow closer to God as we begin to address the things going on in our lives, thoughts, and existence. We are able to see clearly, through a Godly perspective, what is important in our lives.
Psalms 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God!

    I will be honored by every nation.
    I will be honored throughout the world.”

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