

From Sea To Shining Sea

Peace is vision. Solidarity is growth. Evolution is betterment. What does not wanting these things mean. ... Could it be we simply do not know how. Is it we only want it for ourselves and not share. or we do know and choose to be silent? 

Romans 15:1Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of the weak, and not to please ourselves.

Anybody can build their own empire and rule over the nobodies. But then what about the younger generation, the youth and the generation after them? History is being made everyday, we live on this earth. We cannot always go back and right,.... 

Romans 2 Let each one of us please his neighbor for that which is good, to be building him up.

Wrongs. Not repeating those mistakes is what's needed. Power that does not cultivate and then only used to serve radical ideology or ones own purpose, is merely a power trip. 

I can see the validity in it,... And I can see how it does not work for the greater good. 

Romans 3 For Yahweh also didn't please himself. But, as it is written, "The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me."

For example: people who stand on top of other people to look tall. Or people discrediting others for all sorts of different reasons from relationships to promotions on the job. These examples are why I love everything sports. 

One thing that I respect is scoring because the competition is played out on the court or field. Not in the minds of fans or spectators, what if the game was called by the people who watched them and it was not about their ability to play or score points.

It would not be a game at all, now would it?

 The same goes for teammates and team players,whenever you hear from the greatest on the team to the least greatest. Whomever it is take accountability for the loss or the win, at the same time by honoring their position and the position of all the others players.

 Games played like that are games everyone want to pay tickets to go see. And it does not matter where you sit. A person who love the game want to play their part as well.

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