

Embracing Yah's Wisdom: Walking in Protection Before the Storm

Sermon: The Danger of Ignoring Yah’s Wisdom

Shalom, brothers and sisters. Today, we turn to the book of Proverbs, where Yahuah speaks about the consequences of ignoring His wisdom and reproof. These verses are a warning and a call to reflection for all of us.

The Scripture says, “You neglected all my counsel, and would not yield to my reproof.” Yah continually offers His wisdom and guidance, yet many of us choose to ignore His voice. This rejection of His counsel is not without consequence. There are moments when we feel the Ruach Ha’Qodesh prompting us, offering warnings and wisdom for our lives, yet we push it aside in favor of our own desires. But Yahuah, in His love, is trying to protect us from the very calamity we may later face.

Proverbs 1:26 speaks of a moment that no one wants to experience: when the consequences of ignoring Yah’s wisdom come crashing down. He says, “Let me also laugh at your calamity, mock when your dread comes.” This is not to say that Yahuah delights in our suffering. Rather, it is a reminder that when we reject His guidance, we are left to face the storms of life without His covering. It is like building a house on sand instead of the solid foundation of His Word.

Calamity, distress, and anguish come as a whirlwind, swift and devastating, when we turn away from the wisdom that Yah so graciously offers. It is a spiritual truth: when we walk outside of His counsel, we are vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks and the consequences of our own decisions.

Application for WBJMinistries:

As WBJMinistries continues to grow in its mission, focusing on Yahusha's Word and mental health, this message serves as a powerful reminder for those we counsel. Mental, emotional, and spiritual healing cannot take place if we persist in rejecting Yah's correction. He desires to heal and protect us, but we must first yield to His reproof and wisdom.

Encourage your community to listen to Yahuah’s voice today. Let us not wait for calamity to remind us of what we neglected. Instead, let us humbly seek His wisdom, accept His correction, and walk in the safety of His counsel.

May we all choose to heed His voice before the storms of life come, for in Yah’s wisdom, we find peace, security, and restoration. HalleluYah!


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