

Imitators of Elohim: Shining Yahusha’s Light through Love and Unity

A Passionate Sermon on Ephesians 5:1-33 (HalleluYah Scriptures)

 Walking in Love, Light, and Unity as the Bride of Yahusha

Opening Prayer: Yah our Father, we come before You today, humbly seeking Your presence as we dive into Your Word. May Your Ruach (Spirit) guide us as we walk in the light and live in love according to the example of Yahusha HaMashiach, our Savior and King. Help us, as WBJMinistries, to be a reflection of Your love and truth, transforming lives through mental health, counseling, and Your Word. In Yahusha's Name, we pray. Amein.

Beloved family of Yah, as we gather today in spirit and truth, we turn our hearts to the book of Ephesians, chapter 5. In this chapter, Sha’ul (Paul) writes to the believers in Ephesus, urging them to imitate Elohim and walk in the way of love. The words of Sha’ul are not just ancient guidance; they are relevant to our daily walk as followers of Yahusha.

Let us begin by reading from the HalleluYah Scriptures:

"Become, then, imitators of Elohim as beloved children. And walk in love, as Mashiach also has loved us and gave Himself for us, a gift and an offering to Elohim for a sweet-smelling fragrance."
(Ephesians 5:1-2)

Walking in Love: This opening call is a reminder to us all, as WBJMinistries, to walk in the love that Yahusha demonstrated through His life and sacrifice. Yahusha didn’t just love us with words, but with action. His love was sacrificial and selfless, and that is the love we are called to extend to others.

In our ministry, we focus on mental health and counseling. Let us remember that walking in love means bearing each other’s burdens, being patient, and speaking life into one another. True love is not self-serving, but it seeks the well-being of others, just as Yahusha gave Himself for us. It’s the love that heals wounds, breaks chains, and restores hope.

Fleeing from Darkness and Walking in the Light: Sha’ul then gives a warning in verses 3-7:

"But whoring and all uncleanness, or greed of gain, let it not even be named among you, as is proper among qodeshim; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather thanksgiving."
(Ephesians 5:3-4)

Brothers and sisters, we live in a world where darkness is all around. But Yah has called us to be set apart, to be qodesh (holy). As children of light, we must flee from immorality, greed, and any behavior that dishonors our Elohim. As WBJMinistries, we are the light in the midst of a broken world. We cannot partake in the deeds of darkness and expect to lead others into the light.

Verse 8 reminds us:

"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Master. Walk as children of light."
(Ephesians 5:8)

We were once lost, living in darkness, but now through Yahusha, we have been brought into the light. Walking as children of light means living in truth, righteousness, and love. When we step into the light, everything hidden is exposed, and we can live in the fullness of Yah’s purpose for us. This is what we bring to our counseling and mental health focus: bringing people out of the shadows into healing and wholeness.

Living Wisely: Sha’ul goes on to say:

"See then that you walk exactly, not as unwise, but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are wicked."
(Ephesians 5:15-16)

As Yah’s children, we must be wise in how we live our lives. Every moment is precious. Yah has entrusted us with time, and we must redeem it for His purposes. At WBJMinistries, we have a great responsibility to use our time wisely—to help those who are hurting, to counsel those in need, and to proclaim the message of Yahusha to a lost world. We don’t have time to waste on foolishness; we must press forward with wisdom and purpose.

The Role of Husbands and Wives: In verses 22-33, Sha’ul turns to the relationship between husbands and wives, likening it to the relationship between Yahusha and His Bride, the Assembly (His people).

"Wives, subject yourselves to your own husbands, as to the Master. Because the husband is head of the wife, as also Mashiach is head of the assembly, and He is the Savior of the body. But as the assembly is subject to Mashiach, so also let the wives be to their own husbands in every respect."
(Ephesians 5:22-24)

"Husbands, love your wives, as Mashiach also did love the assembly and gave Himself for it, in order to set it apart and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word."
(Ephesians 5:25-26)

The covenant of marriage is a reflection of the covenant between Yahusha and His people. Wives are called to submit to their husbands in love, as they submit to Yahusha, while husbands are called to love their wives with the same self-sacrificial love that Yahusha showed for us. This is not about control or dominance but about mutual love, respect, and service.

As we reflect on this in WBJMinistries, let us also see ourselves as part of Yahusha’s Bride, the Assembly. We are being prepared, cleansed, and made ready for His return. He loves us so deeply that He laid down His life for us. Let us, in turn, live in a way that honors Him, submitting ourselves fully to His will and His love.

Closing Call 💜Brothers and sisters, as we meditate on Ephesians 5, let us remember that Yah has called us to be imitators of Him, to walk in love, to live as children of light, and to redeem the time with wisdom. As WBJMinistries, let us embody this message in our work of mental health and counseling, leading others into the freedom and light of Yahusha.

Just as Yahusha loves and nourishes His Bride, so must we care for one another and guide those who are lost back to the Father. Let us continue to be that light in the darkness, walking in love, truth, and unity, for Yahusha is coming for a Bride that is spotless and prepared.

Closing Prayer: Abba Yah, thank You for Your Word today. We ask that You help us walk in love, as Yahusha walked in love. Let us be children of light, reflecting Your truth in all we do. Strengthen our ministry, WBJMinistries, that we may continue to serve, uplift, and heal through Your power. Keep us faithful as we wait for the return of Yahusha, our Bridegroom. In His mighty name, Amein.


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