

New Moon, New Beginnings- Embracing Yahusha's Light and Purpose

Sermon -Embracing the New Moon with Purpose and Power
WBJMinistries | Using the Halaleyah Scriptures

Opening Prayer
Father Yahusha, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude as we gather under the light of the new moon. We thank You for Your divine presence and the fresh start You grant us with each cycle. May Your words inspire us, transform us, and empower us to walk in Your truth. Halaleyah!

Scripture Reading
Halaleyah Scriptures: Psalms 81:3
"Blow the ram's horn at the time of the New Moon, at the full moon, on our solemn feast day."

Family, tonight we stand beneath the new moon, a symbol of renewal, growth, and fresh beginnings. The new moon reminds us that Yahusha continually offers us a blank canvas. No matter how the past month may have gone, with every new moon, He wipes the slate clean, giving us the chance to realign ourselves with His purpose.

The Power of Renewal
The new moon is more than just a celestial event; it is a divine invitation to reflect on our lives and renew our spirits. Yahusha calls us to let go of the weight we carried from the previous month. Whether it was fear, doubt, or confusion, tonight is the time to release it all. Halaleyah!

Halaleyah Scriptures: Psalms 104:19
"He appointed the moon for seasons; the sun knows its going down."

The moon marks the seasons, and just as the moon has cycles, so do we. Our lives are filled with seasons of growth, rest, and renewal. The new moon signals the start of something new—a chance to reset and be aligned with Yahusha's will. Just as the moon reflects the sun's light, we too are called to reflect the light of Yahusha in all that we do. Let this new moon ignite a fire in your spirit to shine brighter than ever before!

A Call to Walk in Purpose
The new moon also calls us to step fully into our divine purpose. Yahusha did not create us to live in mediocrity, but to thrive, to prosper, and to fulfill His plans for our lives. Tonight, I encourage you to ask yourself: Am I walking in the purpose Yahusha has set for me?

Halaleyah Scriptures: Isaiah 60:1
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the esteem of Yahusha has risen upon you."

This is the time to arise and shine! The new moon is a symbol of Yahusha's light breaking through our darkness. No matter how dark things have seemed, Yahusha’s light is always there, ready to shine upon you and guide your steps. Tonight, we embrace His light, His purpose, and His will for our lives. Halaleyah!

A New Mindset for a New Season
Just as the moon is renewed each month, we must also renew our minds. Too often, we carry old mindsets, old habits, and old fears into new seasons. But tonight, we declare that we are leaving behind anything that no longer serves Yahusha's plan for our lives.

Halaleyah Scriptures: Romans 12:2
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of Yahusha."

Let tonight be the night you renew your mind. Let go of limiting beliefs. Let go of doubt. Step into the fullness of who Yahusha has called you to be. He has plans to prosper you, to give you hope and a future. Halaleyah!

Closing Prayer
Father Yahusha, we thank You for the power of renewal that the new moon represents. As we stand under this new moon, we release the burdens of the past and embrace the fresh opportunities You have set before us. Let Your light shine in us and through us. May we walk boldly in the purpose You have designed for us, and may our lives be a reflection of Your glory. Halaleyah!

Call to Action
As we depart tonight, I challenge each of you to carry this spirit of renewal into the days ahead. Let the new moon remind you that Yahusha is always doing something new in your life. Stay prayerful, stay focused, and trust that He is guiding you towards your purpose. Halaleyah! Let this month be the month where we rise, shine, and walk in the power and authority Yahusha has given us!

Halaleyah! Yahusha be praised!

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