

Unleashing Breakthrough Through the Power of Halaleyah

Breaking Chains and Rising Higher- The Power of Halaleyah

Opening Prayer: Father Yahusha, we come before you with hearts filled with praise and thanksgiving. Let your word ignite passion within us today. May every chain be broken, and may your people rise to new levels of freedom, strength, and purpose. In your holy name, we pray, Halaleyah!

 Beloved family of WBJMinistries, today we gather with one mission—to break the chains that hold us back and rise higher in the presence of Yahusha. We are His children, destined to live with power, purpose, and freedom. Today, we will declare Halaleyah—praise be to Yah!—and let this praise release us from every bondage.

Scripture Reading-
Let’s read from the book of Psalms, where the spirit of Halaleyah shines brightly:

(Tehillim)Psalm 150:6 – “Let everything that has breath praise Yah. Halaleyah!”

This verse calls us to awaken. The praise we give is not silent but powerful, shaking the heavens and breaking the strongholds in our lives.

(Tehillim )Psalm 148:1 – “Halaleyah! Praise Yah from the heavens; praise Him in the heights!”

Our praise is not limited to this earth. The very heavens join us in worship, in a unified declaration of Yahusha’s greatness!

(Tehillim )Psalm 146:1-2 – “Halaleyah! Praise Yah, O my soul! I will praise Yah all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.”

As long as we have life, we will lift His name higher. Our circumstances do not change His worthiness. We praise Him through the storm, knowing victory is near.

Main Message-Today, I challenge you to recognize that praise is a weapon. It is a powerful tool for spiritual breakthrough. Too often, we find ourselves weighed down by life—our jobs, relationships, struggles. But Halaleyah reminds us that no matter what we face, we have the power to rise!

When we shout Halaleyah, we align with the authority of Heaven. We tap into the energy that defeats darkness and liberates souls. Praise brings breakthrough, healing, and victory!

In your life right now, what chains are holding you back? Is it doubt? Fear? Insecurity? As Yah’s children, we are not called to live in defeat. We are destined to soar! And praise is the wind beneath our wings. When you lift up Halaleyah, watch those chains break, watch those walls come down, and watch Yahusha open doors you thought were shut!

Call to Action-

Stand up wherever you are, and declare Halaleyah over your life!

Speak life into dead situations. Proclaim that Yahusha is Lord, and you are His victorious child.

Let’s take a moment to shout Halaleyah together, believing that healing, deliverance, and joy are released as we praise!

Closing Prayer-Father Yahusha, we thank you for the power of praise. We shout Halaleyah from the depths of our souls, trusting that every obstacle is being removed and every blessing is being released. We declare freedom over our lives and believe in your unmatched power. Let us walk forward in boldness, knowing you are with us always. 


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