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Graceful Preparations- A Family's Sabbath Journey

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, we come before You on this Preparation Sabbath Day, grateful for Your love and guidance. We ask for Your presence to dwell with us as we share this message of family, unity, and preparation for Your holy day. Let every word be inspired by Your Spirit and filled with grace, uplifting all who hear. In Yahusha's name, we pray. Halaleyah.

A Family's Preparation Sabbath

It was the day before the Sabbath, and the Smith family—comprising Michael, the father; Grace, the mother; and their two children, Joy and David—awoke with purpose in their hearts. Today was Preparation Sabbath, a day they set apart to ready their home and spirits for the Sabbath. This day was not merely about chores; it was about aligning their hearts with Yahusha's will.

(Tellihim)- Psalm 118:24 (Halaleyah Scriptures) declares
"This is the day יהוה has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Grace reminded her children of this verse as they gathered around the breakfast table. "Today, we rejoice in our preparation for the King. Everything we do, whether cleaning or cooking, is an act of worship."

Morning Tasks

Michael led the family in reading Ecclesiastes 3:1 (Traditional Bible)-
"To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."

With this in mind, they divided tasks- Grace prepared unleavened bread, Michael vacuumed the living room, Joy polished the candlesticks, and David swept the floor. As they worked, they sang

(Tellihim)-Psalm 150:6 (Halaleyah Scriptures)-
"Let all that has breath praise Yahusha!"

Their home filled with the aroma of freshly cooked bread and the joyful echoes of praise. Even the neighbors commented on the Smith's' peace and joy.

A Lesson in Humility

Around midday, David spilled a bucket of water while cleaning. Frustrated, he began to cry. Michael knelt beside him and gently said, "Son, even our mistakes can glorify Yahusha if we learn from them." He opened to (Mishlĕy -Proverbs 3:5-6 (Traditional Bible)-
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."

David smiled, realizing that even small mishaps could be opportunities for growth and trust.

Setting the Table

As the sun began to lower, Grace led the family in setting the table with their best dishes, a tradition that symbolized honoring the Sabbath. Joy asked, "Mom, why do we go through so much effort?"

Grace answered, opening to ( Shemoth)-Exodus 20:8-11 (Traditional Bible)-
"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work- but the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD/YAHUSHA thy God /Elohim."

Joy nodded, understanding that their preparation wasn't about the tasks but the love and reverence they showed Yahusha.

Welcoming the Sabbath

As the family lit the candles, they recited*

(Yeshayahu) -Isaiah 58:13-14 (Halaleyah Scriptures)-
"If you do turn back your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My set-apart day, and shall call the Sabbath ‘a delight,’...then you shall delight yourself in יהוה."

They gathered in the living room, where Michael shared a short devotion on Yahusha’s words in (Marqos)- Mark 2:27 (Traditional Bible)-
"The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath."

The family reflected on how the day of rest was Yahusha's gift, a reminder of His grace and provision.

The Peace of the Evening

As the evening deepened, the Smiths sang a hymn from (Tellihim)-Psalm 23 (Halaleyah Scriptures-"יהוה is my shepherd; I do not lack

The children, now calm and reflective, asked their parents how they could continue this spirit throughout the week. Michael smiled and replied, "By carrying Sabbath in your heart daily, you prepare for it all week."

Closing Prayer

Abba Yah, we thank You for this day of preparation, for the opportunity to align our hearts with Your will. Bless our family and all families striving to honor You. As we enter into Your Sabbath, may we find peace, restoration, and joy in Your presence. Be with us always, and let Your light shine through our lives. In Yahusha's name, we pray. Halaleyah.

This Preparation Sabbath reminded the Smith family—and reminds us—that preparation is more than physical readiness; it is a spiritual posture. Through grace-filled actions and hearts turned to Yahusha, we create a dwelling place for His Spirit in our lives.

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