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Clearing the Lens- Removing Bias from Decision-Making

Clearing the Lens- Removing Bias from Decision-Making

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, Yahusha, and Ruach Ha'Qodesh, we come before You with hearts wide open and minds eager to receive Your wisdom. Fill us with Your grace as we strive to make decisions that honor You and uplift Your kingdom. Remove from us any barriers of bias, prejudice, or fear, and guide us to see clearly through Your divine truth. Let this word today resonate deeply in our spirits, transforming us into vessels of Your will. In Yahusha's name, Halaleyah! Amen.

Family of WBJMinistries, we often approach decision-making with lenses clouded by biases—our past experiences, cultural norms, and even our fears. These biases, like spiritual debris, obscure the clarity and truth that Yahusha calls us to walk in. Today, we will dive into the Word, explore Halaleyah scriptures, and align ourselves with the divine balance symbolized by our chakras to understand how to remove bias and make decisions that glorify Yahusha.

The Crown Chakra- Seeking Divine Wisdom. Scripture- "The fear of Yahusha is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding."Tellihim -(Psalm 111:10)

When we align with the Crown Chakra, we open ourselves to divine wisdom, recognizing that our understanding is limited without Yahusha's guidance. To remove bias, we must first surrender our will and ask for His discernment.

Halaleyah Scripture- "He shall guide us with His own hand, for He is the light on our path." Psalms -(Tehillim 9:2)
Let Yahusha be the filter that clears our thoughts, leading us to pure and righteous decisions.

 The Third Eye Chakra- Gaining Clarity and Truth. Scripture- "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Yohanan -(John 8:32) Our biases often distort our perception of truth. The Third Eye Chakra symbolizes spiritual insight. To gain clarity, we must pray for vision that aligns with Yahusha's truth.

Halaleyah Scripture- "Open my eyes, that I may behold the wonders of Your Torah." Psalms -(Tellihim 14:7) 
Ask Yah to reveal hidden biases and give you the courage to address them.

The Throat Chakra-Speaking and Listening with Integrity. Scripture- "Let your yes be yes, and your no be no."Mattithyahu -(Matthew 5:37)
Bias often creeps into our decisions when we fail to speak and listen with integrity. The Throat Chakra reminds us to communicate truthfully and to seek understanding.

Halaleyah Scripture- "Declare His word with boldness and clarity; let no deceit be found in you." ( HalleluYah 12:4)
Be mindful of your words and the voices you allow to influence your decisions.

The Heart Chakra- Making Decisions Rooted in Love. Scripture- "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins." (1 Peter 4:8)
The Heart Chakra is the seat of compassion. Bias dissolves when love is our foundation. Love requires us to see beyond differences and to act with grace and empathy.

HalleluYah Scripture Reference-- "Love binds us together in perfect unity, reflecting His eternal grace." In my opinion. Ask Yahusha to fill your heart with His unconditional love as you approach every decision.

 The Solar Plexus Chakra- Walking in Confidence, Not Pride. Scripture- "Trust in Yahusha with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Mishlฤ•y -(Proverbs 3:5) The Solar Plexus Chakra represents personal power. To remove bias, we must replace pride and self-reliance with humble confidence in Yahusha's plan.

Scripture Reference-"His strength is perfected in our weakness, and His power works within us." In my opinion 

Surrender your ego and trust in Yah's perfect will. The Sacral Chakra- Embracing Creativity and Flexibility
Scripture- "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?" Yeshayahu (Isaiah 43:19)

Bias often stems from rigidity. The Sacral Chakra invites us to embrace creativity and adaptability, seeing situations through fresh perspectives.
"The waters of His wisdom flow freely, refreshing our spirits." In my opinion 

Let go of preconceived notions and be open to Yahusha's new directions. The Root Chakra- Grounding in Righteous Foundations. Scripture- "The righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever."Tellihim -(Psalm 112:6)

The Root Chakra reminds us to ground our decisions in righteousness and stability. Removing bias starts with a solid foundation in Yahusha’s word.
"His commandments are the roots of life, securing us in His truth." In my opinion. Stay rooted in prayer and His Word, trusting that His way is always best.

Application and Call to Action

As we conclude, let us reflect on our hearts. Are we holding onto biases that hinder our walk with Yahusha? Pray for insight, humility, and love as you make decisions. Align your spiritual chakras to Yahusha’s divine purpose, letting His light shine through every area of your life.

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for teaching us to remove the barriers of bias. Help us to seek Your wisdom, clarity, and love as we align our decisions with Your will. Cleanse our hearts, renew our minds, and guide our steps. May we reflect Your light in all that we do, and may every decision bring glory to Your name. In Yahusha's name, Halaleyah 

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