

"If a thing's worth doing, it's worth overdoing. (Lazarus Long)" --Robert A. Heinlein

 More Than What We Ask

R.I.P. Dad
Happy Preparation Sabbath Day!


  • Holistic Healing

    And Positive Energy

    Wandablanchejones7@outlook.com Lazarus of Bethany, also venerated as Righteous Lazarus, the Four-Days Dead in the Eastern Orthodox Church, is the subject of a prominent sign of Jesus in the Gospel of John, in which Jesus restores him to life four days after his death.
Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters and that when Lazarus died of illness, Jesus wept and was “greatly disturbed.” Although Lazarus had been entombed for four days by the time Jesus arrived at Bethany, he was raised by Jesus from the dead and emerged from the tomb wearing his burial cloths. 

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