

Real News

We are being challenged. As we should be. We are standing in the middle of history with a decision to make. Just like every generation before us. And what did we do? We won! There's no substitute for democracy. There's is no substitute for righteousness. We either have it or we don't! 

America has managed to house racism, fascism, bigotry And injustice without it becoming our only way of life. We don't teach our children to be bad. Nevertheless, if they are bad we address it. We teach our children this. 

I am taking your phone away because I have noticed neglect in others areas. And as the responsible adult in your life. It's my job to help you see that. So, that you can modify any behavior that might make others see you in a different light unintentionally. 

We want a blue Congress 
We are facing challenges, as it should be. We are at a critical moment in history with important decisions to make. Like generations before us, we have emerged victorious. There is no substitute for democracy, for righteousness. It's time for us to uphold these values and stand together. 

Let's ensure that injustice does not become our way of life. We lead by example and teach our children to do the same. As responsible adults, it's our job to guide and support them. Together, we must strive for truth and justice, understanding that they go hand in hand. 

Let's work towards a future where all our children can thrive regardless of race or ethnicity. The highest office in the land is not for sale. Let's uphold the integrity of our democracy and ensure that it represents the will of the people. With a united vision and unwavering commitment, we can shape a better tomorrow for all. 

And to give us another chance to not take anything for granted. 

We want a Democratic Congress 
We want righteous judges that can't be bought.
Vote Blue 💙 🔵 💯🆒*️⃣💜👍🏽🫴🏽
Defending yourself from evil that pretends to be righteous requires discernment, wisdom, and a strong foundation in your beliefs. Here are some steps you can take:

1. **Know the Scriptures**: Familiarize yourself with the teachings of the Bible. Understanding the principles and truths found in the scriptures will help you recognize when something is not aligned with God's word.

If you love your country you fight with it! Not against it.

2. **Pray for Discernment**: Regularly pray for wisdom and discernment. Ask God to help you see through deception and to give you clarity in distinguishing good from evil.

3. **Test the Spirits**: As advised in 1 John 4:1, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." Evaluate the teachings and actions of others to see if they align with biblical truth.

4. **Seek Godly Counsel**: Surround yourself with mature, trusted believers who can provide wise counsel and hold you accountable. They can offer guidance and perspective when you are uncertain.

5. **Examine the Fruits**: Jesus taught in Matthew 7:15-20 that you will recognize false prophets by their fruits. Observe the outcomes of someone's actions and teachings. True righteousness will produce good fruit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

6. **Stay Humble**: Be willing to admit when you are wrong and seek correction. Pride can blind you to the truth and make you susceptible to deception.

7. **Trust the Holy Spirit**: Rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth. The Holy Spirit will help you discern what is right and will convict you when something is wrong.

By taking these steps, you can better defend yourself against evil that masquerades as righteousness and remain steadfast in your faith.

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