

The Power of Praise -Healing and Rest in Yahusha’s Love

Sermon for Sunday’s Blessings with WBJMinistries

The Power of Yahusha’s Love and Halal for Our Healing

Scripture Focus: Psalm 150:6, Isaiah 61:1-3, Matthew 11:28-30

Opening Prayer: Beloved brothers and sisters, let us enter into Yahusha’s presence with thanksgiving, praise, and an open heart. May we experience the fullness of His love today as we gather in His holy name. HalleluYAH, let every breath praise Yah! May He guide my words and your hearts to receive His divine message.

Introduction: This Sunday on the preparation Sabbath , I stand before you, not by my own strength but by the grace of Yahusha! How many of us know that in the middle of our trials, Yahusha is there, stretching out His hand, calling us into His peace and into His love?

This is a time for halal—a time for praise, for joyful shouts of victory! Because despite the storms around us, Yahusha is mighty, and His love remains steadfast. He is our healer, our comforter, and our peace! HalleluYAH!

Main Message- Praise as Our Weapon of Healing Psalm 150:6 says, “Let everything that has breath praise Yah!” Praise is our weapon, our connection to Yahusha. Even in our darkest moments, when the enemy seeks to steal our joy, we can declare, "I will praise my Yah! I will shout Halal to the Most High!" When we lift our voices in worship, Yahusha meets us there.

In your pain, in your sickness, in your brokenness—know that praise invites Yahusha into your situation. He is the One who binds the brokenhearted and sets the captives free (Isaiah 61:1). Whatever chains are holding you today, they will fall when you lift your hands in praise and speak Yahusha’s name. HalleluYAH!

The Comfort of Yahusha’s Invitation Yahusha says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” How beautiful are those words! When the world weighs heavy on your soul, Yahusha is saying, "Come to Me." Bring your burdens, bring your tears, bring your fears, and lay them at His feet.

In Yahusha, we find rest—true rest for our souls. He is gentle, and He is near to the brokenhearted. You don’t have to carry that load alone. He invites you into His peace, into His love, where you can find healing, restoration, and strength.

Restoration Through Yahusha’s Love Isaiah 61:3 reminds us that Yahusha came to "provide for those who grieve... to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair." Yahusha’s love is transformative. Whatever sorrow or despair we may face today, He promises to replace it with joy, beauty, and praise.

Our community of faith, WBJMinistries, is a reflection of that love. As we come together, lifting our hands, hearts, and voices in halal—praise!—we are strengthened, healed, and made whole. Yahusha is pouring His oil of joy upon us. Do you believe that? Do you feel His presence, His healing touch today?

Conclusion: Let us not forget the power of our halal, the power of our praise. Yahusha has conquered death, He has defeated the grave, and in Him, we are victorious. When we praise, we are aligning ourselves with Heaven. HalleluYAH! Whatever you are going through today, my brothers and sisters, know that Yahusha is with you. He is inviting you into His rest, and as we continue to lift His name high, His blessings will flow abundantly in our lives.

Closing Prayer-Father Yah, we thank You for Your love, for Your healing, and for Your peace. We offer up our halal, our highest praise, to You today. Yahusha, we thank You for the rest You give to our souls. Bless us, strengthen us, and guide us as we walk in Your love and purpose. May Your blessings overflow in every area of our lives. HalleluYAH! In Yahusha’s holy name, we pray. Amen!

Let us go forth in faith, in power, and in halal! Be blessed, WBJMinistries!

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