

The Path of the Prudent: Finding Shelter in Yahuah’s Wisdom

A Sermon on Proverbs 22:3

Scripture: "The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it." — Proverbs 22:3 (Halaleyah Scriptures)

Opening Prayer:
Yahuah, we come before You in this sacred gathering, humbling our hearts and minds to receive Your wisdom. Guide us as we open our eyes to Your truth. We pray that You give us understanding and discernment to see the dangers of this world and the wisdom to take shelter in You, our Mighty Elohim. HalleluYah!

Beloved family of WBJMinistries, today we are diving deep into the wisdom of Proverbs 22:3. This verse speaks to us about the power of discernment, a gift Yahuah has freely given to those who seek Him. In a world full of distractions, dangers, and deceptions, we must arm ourselves with the wisdom of the Scriptures. We must learn to recognize the traps that are set before us, not by the strength of our own understanding but through the light of Yahuah's Word. HalleluYah!

As we read, “The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it,” we are reminded of the path that separates wisdom from folly. The prudent, the wise, those who fear Yahuah and seek His counsel, see danger before it overtakes them. They don’t walk blindly into temptation or calamity, for their eyes are fixed on Yahuah.

The Halaleyah Scriptures teach us that wisdom is not merely knowledge; it is a relationship with Yahuah. Wisdom comes from understanding His ways, living according to His commandments, and seeking His Ruach (Spirit) in all that we do. When we submit our lives to Him, He grants us eyes to see beyond the physical — to discern the spiritual dangers that lie in wait.

But look at what happens to the simple, the ones who choose ignorance over wisdom, who walk without seeking Yahuah's direction. They suffer because they trust in their own understanding, rather than leaning on the everlasting arms of Elohim. These are those who do not heed the warning signs, who walk straight into the traps set by the enemy.

WBJMinistries, we are called to rise above this. We are called to be a light in this world, leading others to Yahusha Ha’Mashiach, the One who is our refuge in the storm. In these times, we must not be complacent. Our ministry, focused on mental health and counseling, must speak with urgency and wisdom. We must guide those who are lost, those who are simple and wandering without direction, toward the shelter that Yahuah provides.

In our daily walk, we must continuously seek the discernment of Yahuah in every decision. Whether we are leading WBJMinistries or guiding our families, we must see the spiritual dangers that surround us — the pitfalls of fear, doubt, and worldly desires. We cannot walk in ignorance, for the enemy prowls like a roaring lion, waiting to devour those who are unprepared.

We must remember, it is not weakness to seek shelter in Yahuah — it is wisdom. When we see danger, whether it is spiritual, emotional, or physical, we must be quick to turn to our Elohim. We must humble ourselves, hide in His strength, and let Him fight our battles.

Our ministry is more than words; it is action. As we counsel and minister to others, we must instill in them the same wisdom we’ve received from Yahuah. Let us help them see the dangers ahead and teach them to hide themselves in the protective shadow of the Almighty.


Let us walk prudently, family. Let us not be simple, ignoring the dangers of this world. Instead, may we be wise, discerning, and quick to seek refuge in Yahuah. The Halaleyah Scriptures remind us that wisdom saves lives, but ignorance leads to suffering. As we minister through WBJMinistries, may we be a beacon of that wisdom, leading many to safety in Yahusha’s name.

Yahuah, we thank You for Your Word and the wisdom You impart to us. Help us to be prudent, discerning the dangers around us and hiding in Your presence. May WBJMinistries be a vessel of Your wisdom and a safe haven for those who are lost and wandering. Bless us as we continue to serve You and lead others to the safety of Your arms. In Yahusha's name, 


HalleluYah and Amein!

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