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Ascending in Solitude- A Journey of Prayer and Renewal

Embracing Solitude in the Presence of Yahusha

Scripture-"After He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone." — Mattithyahu 14:23

Greetings, beloved family of WBJMinistries! Today, as we gather, let us turn our hearts and minds to the wisdom in Mattithyahu 14:23. This passage may seem simple at first—Yahusha went up the mountain alone to pray after dismissing the crowds. But within these words lies a profound lesson on the power, grace, and necessity of solitude with our Heavenly Father.

In this verse, we find Yahusha making time to separate Himself from the noise of the world, seeking a quiet space to commune with His Father. He shows us that even in a world filled with pressing needs, miracles to perform, and people seeking His guidance, He recognized the need to pause and withdraw. Why? Because even the Son of Elohim needed the strength and clarity that only time with the Father can provide.

WBJMinistries, as we go through our journey, it’s easy to become consumed by daily demands and responsibilities. Many of us wear multiple hats—some as parents, leaders, caregivers, and more. We are pulled in every direction, often carrying the weight of others' expectations, sorrows, and needs. Yahusha knows these burdens; He, too, felt the press of the crowd and the call to minister. Yet, He shows us the strength and grace found in intentional solitude.

In that solitude, Yahusha was renewed and empowered. This time with Yahusha should be our priority as well, especially in ministry. When we make space for Yahusha, we realign our spirit to His will, clear out confusion, and renew our energy. That time is where clarity emerges, and Yah’s voice becomes loudest. Our Father desires to pour His love, wisdom, and peace into us, but we must create space for Him to move.

Today, I encourage you to follow Yahusha's example. Don’t fear the quiet moments, don’t fear stepping back from the busyness, and don’t feel guilty for retreating to a place of silence. Our ministries, families, and communities will only be blessed more deeply when we pour into them from a place of fullness with Yah.

In prayer, meditation, and the reading of His word, let us climb our own mountains. WBJMinistries, let this be the foundation of our strength, power, and grace. Yahusha is ready to meet you there. Draw close, be renewed, and know that from this place, we will emerge with the light and love that can transform lives.

May the peace of Yahusha surround each of you as you embrace these moments with Him. 


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